G G N H H N...ads...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cashew Rock

  • Maida----------------100 gms
  • Chopped kaju---------20 gms
  • Butter or Dalda-------100 gms
  • Castor sugar----------60 gms
  • Almond or Vanilla essence-----2 -3 drops
  • Cherries for decoration

  1. Add sugar and butter to maida and kneead well...
  2. Add chopped kaju and essence....
  3. Make small balls and place a cherry on top....
  4. Bake hot in an oven......and serve it....!!!!

Thank you for visiting........................:D


  • Milk------------------1 liter
  • Carrots---------------2 nos.
  • Sugar-----------------4 tb sp.
  • Cashew nut-----------20 gms
  • Badam----------------50 gms
  • Elachi powder---------1 tsp

  1. Cook carrots until soft and mash into a paste...
  2. Boil milk and add carrot paste,sugar and chopped badam and kaju to it....
  3. Keep in refridgerator for a while....
  4. Serve it chilled to enjoy the taste....
Thank you for visiting.......................:)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Saturday, May 8, 2010


  • Maida-------------------1 cup
  • Water-------------------1 cup
  • Sugar-------------------2 cups
  • Ghee--------------------1/2 cup
  • Ilachi powder------------1/2 tea spoon
  • Food color ---------------1 pinch
  • Kaju---------------------20 g

  1. Mix maida in water and stir well so that there are no lumps....
  2. Now, heat little ghee in pan..add the above mixture and stir on low flame...
  3. When this mixture is glossy add sugar, color and a little more ghee...
  4. Keep on adding ghee and stir once in 3-4 minutes....
  5. When this mixture is thick add ilachi powder, kaju and remove from flame...
  6. Finally pour in a greased tray and cut into pieces...
  7. Serve it with dry fruits and enjoy the taste!!!

Thank you for visiting................................:)


  • Cauliflower----------------1 no.
  • Cornflour------------------2 table spoon
  • Maida---------------------1 table spoon
  • Ginger-Garlic paste-------1 tea spoon
  • Green chillies--------------4 no.s
  • Curry leaves---------------few
  • Coriander-----------------1 bunch
  • Curd----------------------1 cup
  • Soya sauce----------------1 tea spoon
  • Pepper--------------------1/2 tea spoon
  • Garam masala-------------1/2 tea spoon
  • Salt to taste

  1. Cut cauliflower into pieces and keep in salt water for ten minutes...
  2. Now, remove from water, add cornflour, maida, ginger-garlic, pepper, soya sauce, garam masala, salt and little water.....
  3. Fry in oil like pokoras...
  4. Heat oil in a pan , add sliced green chillies, ginger and garlic pieces and curry leaves...
  5. Now, put cauliflower , add little curd and cook for two minutes...
  6. Serve it hot with tomato ketchup or any chutney!!!

Thank you for visiting................................:)


  • Maida----------------500 g
  • Oil--------------------2 cups
  • Ghee-----------------2 table spoons
  • Cumin seeds----------2 table spoons
  • Salt to taste

  1. Add ghee to maida, mix salt and cumin seeds.......
  2. Knead the mixture into a stiff dough by adding required quantity of water.......
  3. Now, divide the dough into four equal parts and roll out like a chapati with a thickness of 1/4 inch...
  4. Cut into diamond shaped pieces and deep fry in oil till light brown...
  5. IT is ready to eat now!!!

Thank you for visiting.........................:)


  • Brinjal------------------500 g(small brinjals)
  • Onions------------------2 no.s
  • Ginger-Garlic paste-----1 tea spoon
  • Coriander seeds---------2 table spoons
  • Chilli powder------------1 tea spoon
  • Turmeric powder--------1/2 tea spoon
  • Cumin seeds-------------1/2 tea spoon
  • Oil-----------------------6 table spoons
  • Coriander leaves---------1 bunch

  1. Grind ginger- garlic, coriander seeds, salt , cumin seeds, turmeric and chilli powder into a fine paste....
  2. Slit the brinjals without removing the stalk and fill in the paste....
  3. Next, heat oil,add onion and green chillies and fry and put in the stuffed brinjals and fry till the are tender...
  4. Keep them covered and cook for 10 minutes....
  5. Serve them garnished with green coriander leaves!!

Thank you for visiting............................:)


  • Rajma----------------500 g
  • Curd------------------1 cup
  • Onions---------------3 no.s
  • Green chillies---------4 no.s
  • Coriander powder-----2 tea spoons
  • Ginger----------------2 inch long piece
  • Turmeric-------------1/2 tea spoon
  • Chilli powder----------1 tea spoon
  • Oil---------------------4 table spoons
  • Garam masala---------1 tea spoon
  • Fresh cream-----------2 table spoons
  • Coriander -------------1 bunch
  • Salt to taste

  1. Soak rajma over night in water with a pinch of baking powder...
  2. Now, boil rajma till tender and drain water....
  3. Heat oil in a pan and fry chopped onions , ginger and green chillies till they turn brown...
  4. Next, beat the curd and add along with salt and rajma...
  5. Cook for few minutes , add water and bring to a boil....
  6. Add cream and garam masala........
  7. Finally serve it garnished with coriander!!!

Thank you for visiting..........................:)


  • Paneer-------------------500 g
  • Basen--------------------250 g
  • Chilli powder------------- 1 tea spoon
  • Coriander leaves---------1 bunch
  • Pepper powder------------2 tea spoons
  • Aamchur----------------1 tea spoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil to fry

  1. First, cut the paneer into small pieces, sprinkle on them little salt and pepper and set aside...
  2. Mix water and salt in basen and make a smooth batter...
  3. Heat oil and dip the paneer pieces into the batter....
  4. Put in heated oil and fry till golden brown....
  5. Garnish with coriander and serve hot with tomato ketchup!!!

Thank you for visiting..............................:)


  • Radish(mooli)------------------3 no.s
  • Wheat flour--------------------250 g
  • Red chilli powder--------------1 tea spoon
  • Salt----------------------------1 tea spoon
  • Oil-----------------------------1 table spoon

  1. Grade the radish and add salt and chilli powder...
  2. Add water to wheat flour and make a dough....
  3. Now, make the dough into balls and roll flat like a chapati...
  4. Next, spread the radish mixture between two chapaties, press lightly and fry on a pan...
  5. Serve it hot....it tastes superb with plain curd....Believe me!!!

Thank you for visiting................................:)


  • Milk-----------------1 liter
  • Rice-----------------50 g
  • Cordamom powder------1/2 tea spoon
  • Saffron--------------2 strands
  • Raisins--------------20 g
  • Kaju-----------------20 g
  • Almonds------------20 g

  1. Soak the rice in water........
  2. Now, remove the skin of almonds by boiling in water and cut into long strips...
  3. Boil milk and add rice and cook and cook on a low flame until the rice is completely cooked...
  4. Now, sugar, cardamom powder and saffron..
  5. Next add kaju, raisins and almonds....
  6. Finally, garnish with some more dry fruits and its ready to eat!!

Thank you for visiting..........................:)


  • Capsicum----------------6 no.s
  • Onion--------------------1 no.
  • Carrots------------------2 no.s
  • Potato-------------------1 no.
  • French beans------------100 g
  • Green Peas--------------100 g
  • Basen--------------------1 table spoon
  • Oil-----------------------1/2 table spoon
  • Lemon juice--------------1 tea spoon
  • Red chilli powder---------2 tea spoons
  • Salt to taste

  1. Cut the top of the capsicum and remove the seeds from it...
  2. Heat oil and fry onions ....
  3. Now, add chopped carrots, potatoes, French beans and green peas and cook till tender...
  4. Now, add salt chilli powder and lemon juice..
  5. Fill this mixture into the capsicum.....
  6. Mix basin in little water and cover the top portion of the capsicum...
  7. Heat oil in a pan..arrange all the capsicums, cover with lid and cook till soft...
  8. Serve it hot!!!!

Thank you for visiting.......................:)

Friday, May 7, 2010


  • Murmura(puffed rice)-----------100 g
  • Jaggery-------------------------100 g
  • Water --------------------------1 table

  1. Put the jaggery in a pan add water and heat...
  2. Stir continuously till ready(test by putting i drop of jaggery in water....the drp must harden immediately...)
  3. Now, add the murmura and mix well...
  4. Finally put into a greased plate and cut into pieces...or roll into balls.........
  5. The item is ready to eat now!!!

Thank you for visiting...................:)


  • Milk------------------2 cups
  • Sugar----------------1/2 cup
  • Bread slices----------10 no.s
  • Raisins---------------1 table spoon
  • Almonds-------------1 table spoon
  • Food color-----------1 pinch(not mandatory)

  1. First, boil milk , sugar and bread slices in a pan...
  2. Heat 3- 4 table spoons of sugar in separate pan till it caramilizes......
  3. Add milk preparation, raisins, almonds and boil the contents for a minute without stirring..
  4. Put the gas on low flame for 10 minutes..
  5. Cool and turn the pan upside down over a dish...
  6. Serve it garnished with dry fruits!!

Thank you for visiting................:)