G G N H H N...ads...

Thursday, May 6, 2010


  1. Potatoes----------------300 g
  2. Rice flour---------------120 g
  3. Curd--------------------100 g
  4. Coriander---------------1 bunch
  5. Oil --------------------- required quantity
  6. Salt to taste

  1. Boil potatoes, peel their skin and mash them properly...
  2. Now,add curd and mashed potatoes to rice flour, mix it with enough water...
  3. Add salt and finely minced coriander....
  4. Now, heat a non stick pan(tawa) and pour the batter and spread quickly...
  5. Pour oil and fry on both sides.....
  6. Serve hot with coconut chutney or sambar!!!

Thank you for visiting............................:)

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