G G N H H N...ads...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


  • Sweet Corn----------------1 tin
  • Stock----------------------5 cups
  • Shredded Chicken---------50 g
  • China salt-----------------1/2 tea spoons
  • Pepper--------------------1/2teaspoons
  • Soya sauce-----------------1 teaspoon
  • Eggs-----------------------2( white only)

  1. Fry chicken in 1 tea spoon oil with china salt and pepper for 1 minute........
  2. Add to stock and boilfor few minutes.....
  3. Now, add sweet corn, soya sauce,pepper and china salt and boil the mixture for 2 minutes......
  4. Now,mix three table spoon corn flour in half cup milk and add to the mixture.....
  5. Boil for 1minute and Finally add beaten egg( egg white) to form strands.......
  6. Serve it hot!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for visiting...................:)

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