G G N H H N...ads...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


  • Maida-----------------175 g
  • Sugar-----------------40 g
  • Dalda-----------------80 g
  • Egg-------------------1 no.(For glaze)
  • Salt-------------------1 tea spoon
  • Ammonia or Baking powder---------1/4tea spoon
  • Water----------------2 table spoons

  1. Mix dalda and maida together well....
  2. Now,make a solution of sugar, salt and baking powder in water.....
  3. Slowly and properly mix this solution into maida mixture........
  4. Now,roll out into 1/8 thickness..........
  5. Now, cut with biscuit cutter and cool with egg or milk and bake at 375 degrees for 10minutes.....
  6. The tasty salt biscuits will be ready to eat!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for visiting....................:)

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